Bill Samuels, Jr. tells that effective November 1, his son Rob will become Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Maker’s, the business his grandparents started 67 years ago. just interview Rob Samuels two days ago at The Bourbon Chase in the video linked below where Rob talked about his grandparents starting Maker’s Mark.
In a letter released to Maker’s Mark Ambassadors, Bill says, “Rob came into the business in late 1995, after ten successful years in sales. The time has come for me to think seriously about management continuity and guardianship of the legacy here at Maker’s. I’m over 70, half blind, long in the tooth and probably won’t live forever. It’s been a great ride so far, and I am far from done yet, but one of the most important responsibilities of any CEO is to plan for a seamless, hiccup-free succession. I am doing just that and wanted you to be among the first to know.
Since joining Maker’s, Rob has focused on jump-starting our international business, and his efforts have been impressive, with growth outside the U.S. averaging 25% yearly.
Rob’s number one responsibility going forward will be to ensure that we don’t screw up the whisky, as well as that we continue to hand-make our bourbon exactly the same way Rob’s grandparents did.”