is back in New Orleans now for Tales of the Cocktail 2012 as they celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the festival from July 25 through July 29!
Be watching on this link for updates and videos all week -> Tales of the Cocktail. In fact, we’re including some video coverage from our previous years at Tales of the Cocktail below.
With a theme that is “Aged Well” for 2012, Tales of the Cocktail is the world’s premiere cocktail festival that brings together the most respected minds on mixology for 5 days of cocktails, cuisine and culture.
This is the only festival focused on the craft of the bartender and education. Following on the success of Tales of the Cocktail, other festivals have been launched around the country. Tales of the Cocktail tells that none is committed to furthering the industry and providing support to bartenders, bar owners and future mixologists ( through The New Orleans Culinary and Cultural Preservation Society) as this festival.
Cocktail Apprentice Scholarship Program gives apprentices the opportunity to continue education in mixology from a minimum $30,000 scholarship fund annually. This is the 5th Year of Cocktail Apprentice Program with 60 total apprentices from Australia to Tampa [culled from 300-400 applicants] The apprentices help to execute events at Tales.
Tales of the Cocktail helps a lot of people in New Orleans. The Cocktail Apprentice Medical Aid Fund was created in 2011 to provide financial assistance in the form of cash grants to help off-set large medical expenses will join friends from across the globe this week! In 2011, representations from 26 countries – from Austria to the Virgin Islands . India and Russia will be new country participants sending representatives to lead seminars at 2012 Tales of the Cocktail!
Tickets may still be available depending on when you visit this story, so check out for more information!
Thanks to Tales of the Cocktail Founder Ann Tuennerman, her husband and Paul Tuennerman, and the wonderful staff and volunteers at Tales of the Cocktail for having back once again!’s Tom Fischer interviews Tales of the Cocktail Founder Ann Tuennerman and her husband and Paul Tuennerman (Mr. and Mrs. Cocktail) at Tales of the Cocktail – photo courtesy Tales of the Cocktail / Huff