Posted by's Tom Fischer with Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and his wife First Lady Jane Klingner Beshear’s Tom Fischer (Colonel and Bourbon Expert) with Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear(who happens to be a Bourbon Enthusiast) and his wife First Lady Jane Klingner Beshear

Bourbon barrelsKentucky Gov. Steve Beshear has proclaimed September  2012 “Bourbon Heritage Month” in Kentucky, praising the legendary industry for its unparalleled resurgence and tremendous economic and tourism benefit to the Commonwealth.

September is also “National Bourbon Heritage Month” across the U.S.A. as the US Senate declared September as “National Bourbon Heritage Month” back in 2007.

With the popularity of bourbon growing across our land along with production of bourbon in other states, Beshear made clear note of the importance of Kentucky Bourbon to Kentucky.

“Kentucky Bourbon pours more than $2 billion each year into the state economy, and the tourism impact with the Kentucky Bourbon Trail adventure is only beginning to reach its vast potential,” Beshear said.

“We have been inspired by this signature industry’s unprecedented growth and global reach. I’m proud to declare September “Bourbon Heritage Month” for the fifth straight year, and
look forward to continue building on this amber wave of success.”’s Tom Fischer happens to know that Gov. Steve Beshear truly is a fan of bourbon. We’re including some our “Bourbon Interviews” with Beshear ranging from our Kentucky Derby coverage to Kentucky Bourbon Festival.

Eric Gregory, President of the Kentucky Distillers’ Association, tells that Bourbon production has more than doubled since 1999 and the state currently has 4.9 million barrels gently aging, the highest inventory since 1978.

Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear

Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear presents the official Proclamation declaring September “Bourbon Heritage Month” in the Commonwealth to Gerry Ruvo, CEO of Campari America, during Tuesday’s groundbreaking of the new Wild Turkey visitor center in Lawrenceburg.

“That’s more than 262 million gallons of Bourbon, enough to cover the entire state of Kentucky,” Gregory said. “And we’re honored to say that we continue to have more barrels
in Kentucky than people living in the Commonwealth.”

Adam Johnson, Director of the KDA’s famous Kentucky Bourbon Trail adventure, tells us that distilleries are spending millions on new and improved visitor’s centers to meet the
skyrocketing tourism growth.

“Our iconic distilleries are now even better equipped to provide higher levels of interaction, hospitality and education about our historic craft,” Johnson said. “We look forward to
welcoming visitors in September to celebrate American’s only native spirit.”

Kentucky Bourbon Trail distilleries have recorded more than 2 million visits in the last five years alone, with guests from all 50 states and more than 50 countries. Nearly 30,000 people have made the pilgrimage to all six since 2007, pouring tens of millions into local economies.

“We continue to be amazed and excited by the incredible global success of our industry and trademark tourist attraction,” Gregory tell us. “We deeply appreciate Governor Beshear’s
support, and hope everyone enjoys Bourbon Heritage Month responsibly and in moderation.”

For every month is “Bourbon Month,” and we especially would like to raise a toast in September bourbon, Kentucky, and all who produce and drink bourbon!


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