For St. Patrick’s Day, have some fun layering the “Irish Goodbye” cocktail. This can be served as a drink or shot.
The Irish Goodbye
2 oz. Mandarine Napoléon
2 oz. Crème de Menthe
2 oz. Irish Cream Liqueur
Method: layer each shot into a lowball glass. This drink can also be converted into a shot by reducing the amount of alcohol in equal parts.
In case you haven’t tasted Mandarine Napoléon, here is a little more about the liqueur…
Mandarine Napoléon is a well-balanced blend of mandarins and refined 10-year-old aged cognac. Dating back to the early 1800s and its roots stemming from Napoléon Bonaparte, the liqueur has a rich history.
The drink was custom made for Napoléon Bonaparte after the emperor came across the chemist Antoine-François de Fourcroy, known for his extraordinary skill of distilling. It was not until 1892, after the two had died, that the liqueur was introduced to the public.
Mandarine Napoléon is in 100 countries and relaunched in United States in 2011. Mandarine Napoléon is the first liqueur composed of mandarins and cognac, which gives it a smooth taste. The drink is composed of only natural ingredients.
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