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Drambuie_bottle toasts to National Liqueur Day 2014 by sharing Drambuie cocktails from Anthony Caporale National Ambassador for Drambuie below.

If you haven’t tried Drambuie as a whisk(e)y fan, it may have been the world’s first flavored whiskey. We recommend this blend of aged Scotch whisky, heather honey, spices and herbs from a recipe said to date back 1746.

In 2011, the 15 Year old expression of Drambuie was also released. Drambuie 15  is still a liqueur and the flavor is more “whisky forward” as it is made with whiskies aged for at least 15 years.

The Drambuie portfolio also includes The Royal Legacy and The Jacobite Collection.

Drambuie Rusty Nail

Liqueur1 part Drambuie Liqueur
1 part Scotch Whisky*
Served over ice in a rocks glass

*or use your favorite brown spirit to spice it up, such as Mezcal, Dark Rum, Tequila, Bourbon or any Whiskey

Railroad Spike

Railroad Spike

-In a tall glass filled with ice, add:

1 part Drambuie  Scotch Liqueur
4 parts Iced Coffee

-Stir briefly, serve with a black straw.

Drambuie Highland Tea

In a mixing tin with ice, add:

2 oz. Drambuie Scotch Liqueur
2 oz. Fig Infused Black Tea*
1 Orange Peel, zest only (squeeze to extract oils and drop in tin)

Shake until the tin is frosted, double strain into a martini glass, float:
½ oz. Lavender Infused Cream (thicken in shaker with Dried Lavender Blossoms and double strain over bar spoon)

* steep 8 oz. hot water with loose-leaf Black Tea and 2 sliced dried
figs for about 5 minute

Rusty Ale

Guinness Cocktail1 shot of Drambuie Liqueur
1 pint of Guinness Draught (or substitute a favorite beer).

Pour shot of Drambuie in pint glass.

Fill pint glass atop shot with Guinness Draught.

Recipes Courtesy: Anthony Caporale U.S. Brand Ambassador for Drambuie


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