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Obama seems to need a good reason for a drink and shares one more reason that bourbon whiskey unites the world – regardless of political beliefs.

President Barack Obama said “I would having  to Have a Bourbon With Mitch McConnell” during a press conference today about the elections that saw Republicans gain a majority in the Senate.  Kentucky’s senior senator Mitch McConell is expected to become  the new majority leader.

President Obama and  Mitch McConnell Have Bourbon“I’m don’t know what his preferred drink is,” Obama said. Obama continued by complimenting McConnell, whom Obama says has always been “very straightforward” and never made a promise that him that he couldn’t deliver.

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The GOP picked up more than enough seats Tuesday night to take control away from the Democrats. Republicans maintained and expanded their control of the House.

Obama says he’ll certainly be spending more time with McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner (BAY’-nur), adding that’s the only way the White House and Congress will be able to get anything done.

The president says McConnell has always been “straightforward” with him and has never made a promise he couldn’t deliver on.

Obama once jokingly suggested that getting a drink with McConnell wasn’t something he looked forward to doing.


Media credits to Huffington, CNN and AP


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