Toast to new friends, old friends and all who enjoy fine Bourbon tonight across the country.
Breckenridge Distillery tells BourbonBlog.com they are inviting everyone 21 + to take a shot of Breckenridge Bourbon across the country at 7pm MST on July 25th.
Go to your favorite watering hole, order Breck Bourbon, and post a photo or video to tag with #BreckDistillery. Find @BreckDistillery on all social: Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
“If you can’t don’t the Breck Bourbon handy but happen to have Breckenridge Vodka or any Breckenridge Distillery spirits, we’ll be happy to see you shooting those too,” Jen Bartels of Breckenridge Distillery tells BourbonBlog.com.
Happen to be in Breckenridge Colorado Tonight?
A FREE shot of Breck Bourbon to the first 75 to arrive at the Breck Distillery for the Avalanche of Breckenridge Shot.
*Shot will be offered at 6:45pm and this is an event to take one shot, not a party to follow. If you are planning to stay for dinner, you must make a reservation.