As BourbonBlog.com continues to host virtual Bourbon tastings and also in-person tasting events as well, we are thrilled to see a distillery built in the Metaverse to celebrate an expansion of Angel’s Envy!
From June 14, 2022, National Bourbon Day, through June 20, 2022, Bourbon fans can visit the Angel’s Envy Meta Distillery virtual pop-up for a gamified bourbon-making experience, an interactive cocktail quest, POAP token, NFT wearable giveaways, and more.
It is all to honor the new $8.2 million Brand Home expansion in the real world adds 13,000 square feet and doubles the annual guest capacity to welcome an additional 64,000 guests each year at Angel’s Envy Distillery in Louisville, Kentucky

The Angel’s Envy Distillery expansion also creates the following:
- Five new tasting rooms,
- Approximately 20 new jobs in Louisville
- Larger retail area
- Additional bar space, event space,
- Full catering kitchen
- A designated room for Angel’s Envy “Bottle Your Own” experience, which will now offer guests the chance to fill their own bottles of a distillery-exclusive Single Barrel offering.

With the launch of the Ange’s Envy Meta Distillery, the super-premium bourbon brand becomes the first in the Bacardi portfolio of brands to create a Brand Home in the metaverse.
Users of legal age) are taken on a series of gamified experiences such as a mash bill challenge, cask personalization in the barreling room, and an ingredient quest to create cocktails.
They can also plant virtual white oak trees around the distillery, correlating to trees planted in real life through Angel’s Envy “Toast the Trees” initiative – a program created in 2014 to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy white oak tree population to preserve the future of bourbon.
Angel’s Envy worked with Joseph & Joseph, Contagious, and Sullivan & Cozart on the design and build for the expansion; construction began in late 2020.