Bee Sting American Honey Recipe
* One Part Wild Turkey 101
* One Part American Honey
Mix together and serve over ice.
Want a serving of what you see to your left? More about the American Honey Calendar and how you can win one on this link. And for more Bourbon drink recipes, visit this link.
Your American Honey Girls Calendar is wonderful but I would give Five Stars to PTR AND THREE STARS TO BSR.Otherwise they are all beautiful and worth looking at.
Panama Turismo
I just wanted to say that I found your web site via Goolge and I am glad I did. Keep up the good work and I will make sure to bookmark you for when I have more free time away from the books. Thanks again!
Love this stuff, and would have no problem looking at this while I enjoy it. LOL
It is best over ice, don’t mix with anything, it is extremely smooth.