Click Below to Stream Interview with Tim Smith
Moonshiner Tim Smith interviewed by BourbonBlog.com‘s Tom Fischer who takes us behind the scenes of the Discovery Channel show Moonshiners, listen this a podcast radio interview above.
For the latest on Moonshiners Season 2 and news on Tim Smith, subscribe to our mailing list here and we will send you the news first as the new season moves along.
We bring you this first interview of it’s kind with Tim Smith the week of the premiere of Moonshiners, which had 1.73 million viewers for the first episode, 3.2 million viewers for the 2nd episode. Additionally, the 2nd run of the first episode this past week drew another 2.2 million viewers!
For those of you who have been asking, “Is this show real? Are they really moonshining on Moonshiners and why aren’t they getting arrested?” we have a bit more insight for you from this interview.

In this interview, Tim also discusses the history of moonshine, why it is becoming a lost art, and shares his wisdom and stories.
Other real life characters in this reality type show include ABC law enforcement agent Jesse Tate and Tim’s team of “Tickle” and his son J.T.
At BourbonBlog.com, we are curious who YOU are rooting for and what do you think of the show? Post your reply in comments below.
Tim tells us he was working on the idea for this show for a long time. He also credits the birth of the show from others he met “at the right place at the right time.”
The last part of the inspiration for making this a show came when his father passed away. And around the same time moonshiners Barney Barnwell and Popcorn Sutton passed away.
Tim then believed this was his time to transition from being a moonshiner to legal moonshiners and distiller.
With this the new spotlight, and the goal of owning his own legal distillery and/or his own brand of moonshine, Tim invites you to visit his website TimSmithMoonshine.com .
We congratulate Tim, the complete cast, creators and producers on the success this new show. And Tim, we’ll look forward to tasting your moonshine!

In this interview, Tim Smith talks about his son J.T. and Tickle who also star on the show Moonshiners, Discovery Channel
i love the show as for it being real ot is i knew popcorn and have met time and tikle and trust me its real as it can be
Melissa Strother
Well I absolutely love this show and my two fav shiners are Tim and of course tickle… I kno u guys are gna mk an appearance at the olde downtown tavern but unfortunately I’m not going to b able to be there, I will b stuck at home on house arrest but I hope u guys have an awesome time and make a memory:) love you guys keep up the good work and continue to stay outta trouble:)
Georgia Bell
I love this show and especially Tim and tickle. I know it is probable made up or scripted, but I do not care.
dustin scheffner
Hey tickle, do you miss Tim??
Tim Ball
I’m from Ohio, and would like to know where or how I could get your poster with your name signed on it?
I’m a big fan of yours and tickle, true friends are hard to find, but you know when thing get tough who are your true friends, I think that Tickle is your true friend. I hope the best for both of you.
Love the show.
Glad you folks like the show, hate to tell you its staged. I live in Pittsylvania County, home to Tim and Pickled, and they can be scene at their real jobs at a factory in nearby Danville where they are maintenance personnel. I grew up in Franklin County, next county over and known as the Moonshine capitol of the World, trust me, real shiners dont want to be scene or even known. Entertainment? For some yes, for those of us who know the real deal, it (Moonshiners) is BS!
Remember the old man and woman who stopped Tim on the bridge and she was holding a shotgun? I travel that dirt road very often, he is usually sitting on his porch and waves at the cars, a far cry from the character he portrayed in that episode. So when they sit on the Shiners Special and say its not fake……..yea OK. Good Answer, just not the truth. If you had an illegal still, would you have it on national television along with your name and face? Popcorn Sutton, now he was the real deal, but not Tim and Tickle.
jeff campbell
Got 2 meet tim & tickle at downtown tavern… Was a great honor
2 meet a cpl of good ol boys who are livin the american dream.. Wish
I couldve had more time 2 talk with them and mayb try some indiana shine!!
If it was legal of course 😉
well of course its staged duh.but this doesn,t mean they cant share their knowings of moonshine with us.i find it entertaining.and ya know what.who wouldnt be proud to share that herritage.hell i would 2nd thing i believe u have to actually be caught in the act of makin it or possesion of it.the cameras shouldnt mean shit.they could say it was water
oh and for the dumbass stills arent illegal the booze is.do your homework
Hi Tim and gang. I really enjoy the show are you guys going to have a third season? If so when should I look for it on TV? Also are you guys ever planning to come to Jacksonville Florida? And if you like to fish or if you like a nice beach that you can actually swim in without a wetsuit Jacksonvill Hope to hear from you take care keep up the good wor work