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Maker's Mark Christmas sweaters

Every year, Maker’s Mark Bourbon sends their Maker’s Mark Ambassadors a special holiday gift. Last year, it was the Makers Mark ice ball maker. This year, Maker’s Mark has sent all on their “nice list” of ambassadors a holiday themed sweater to dress up a bottle of Maker’s Bourbon.

Maker’s Mark tells that the sweaters were an idea born from the fact that on Christmas, everyone at the Samuels family wears festive sweaters. So, Maker’s Mark wanted to do the same for their Ambassadors, who Maker’s Mark’s says are “like extended family.” We thought having a sweater to put on your bottle would be a fun twist on this old tradition.

Have you received YOUR sweater from Maker’s Mark yet? Tell us below under comments and let’s have sweater party, link or post a photo of your bottle wearing the Maker’s Mark sweater! Or if you want to try wearing it and think you can fit in it, a photo of you posing in it or with it works too.

The question remains though, will we see other bottles, objects or small creatures sporting a Maker’s sweater for Christmas?




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19 Responses to “Maker’s Mark Christmas Sweaters”

  1. Dodger

    I just got mine today…and I laughed pretty hard upon seeing what I had received this year.

  2. Cjr

    A buddy of mine in Ohio received one about 3 weeks ago. I have not…and I’m getting a little bummed out as Christmas gets closer.

  3. Tom

    I Got Mine Today and Love it. Found a Similar Sweater a Macy’s s now me and the bottle can hit the neighborhood party circut in style.

  4. Matt

    I got mine about a week ago and promptly purchased a new bottle of Makers! I only wish they sold these in adult sizes!

  5. Mama Dobble

    I just got mine. My toddler saw the sweater and promptly came running up with his Elmo doll.
    Elmo is now a Maker’s Mark Ambassador.

  6. steve waite

    Got mine today its awsome, Thank you my makers gets chilly in the winter hanging out with the Nog

  7. Don

    Haven’t seen mine. Hope my wife didn’t throw it out. Merry Christmas Maker’s Makers,