BourbonBlog.com’s Tom Fischer with Tim Smith and his son JT just prior to Moonshiners Season 2 premiere. Photographed at Louisville Slugger Museum in Louisville Kentucky
Click Play Above to Stream BourbonBlog.com’s New Radio Interview with Tim Smith Part 1
BourbonBlog.com‘s Tom Fischer bring you a new interview with Monshiner Tim Smith giving a rare glimpse into Moonshiners Season 2 and the life of Tim.
This is the 1st of a 2 Part podcast series. Watch for Part 2 and subscribe to our free Bourbon Newsletter here for the latest news and interviews we’ll bring on Moonshiners Season 2.
In this interview, Tim talks about his goals, dreams of owning a legal distillery and the legacy he intends to leave.
Tim tells BourbonBlog.com that is he considering Kentucky as a potential state for the operation for his legal distillery.
Though there is no date on when this will happen, Tim says he is working on his dream day considering a variety of options and states.
The interview also teases forward to the next episode of Moonshiners when distiller Spencer Balentine of LBL Moonshine appears on the show. In this episode, Tim will make a trip to Silver Trail Distillery in Hardin, Kentucky to learn more about going legal and meets with Spencer Balentine and his assistants.
Tim tells us you can meet him in person at personal appearances for events across the country (see the list below and also updated more frequently on TimSmithMoonshine.com).
Check back on BourbonBlog.com soon for part 2 of the podcast interview.
Until then tell us what YOU think of Moonshiners Season 2? Tell us below and leave your encouraging words for Tim Smith in comments linked here!
Watch our video interview with Tim Smith on this link.

Moonshiner Tim Smith’s neighbor asks Tim some questions in Moonshiners Season 2

Spencer Balentine and his assistants, they make the LBL Moonshine at Silver Trail Distillery in Hardin Kentucky
Tim Smith’s Personal Appearances, for full list visit TimSmithMoonShine.com
Saturday, January 12 from 11am – 3pm
Xtreme Honda
Meet Moonshiner Tim
198 Penn Street
Brilliant, Ohio 43913
Saturday, January 19 from 9am – 1pm
2013 Piedmont Fire Expo
Meet Moonshiner Tim & JT
Winston-Salem Entertainment-Sports Complex
2825 University Parkway
Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105s
Friday, February 15 from 4pm – 7pm
Meet Moonshiner Tim, Tickle, & JT
Kevin Powell Motorsports
5599 University Parkway
Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105
Saturday, February 23 from 6pm – 10pm
Sunshine & Moonshine
Meet Moonshiner Tim & Tickle
Screwie Louie’s Porpoise Pub
8701 Seminole Boulevard
Seminole, FL 33772

Tim Smith shows a secret stash of his premium moonshine that he is hiding on Moonshiners Season 2. Tim is currently working on going legal to create his own brand of moonshine

Deputy Sheriff Chuck is “The Law” in Moonshiners Season 2
I am his biggest fan (seriously) and could not believe it when I saw the picture of you together at the Slugger Museum. I have a feeling he’s been to Louisville before and absolutely would love to meet him and wish him the best of luck.
Your blog and love of ‘spirits’ is palpable! You are so enthusiastic and it shows and I wish you much success. It’s so nice to see someone representing the great bourbon state of Kentucky.
You are reminding us of something that is truly Americana and rooted deep in the craft.
Thanks for all you do!
Justice Prudence
You’re a fraud & an imbecile if you believe the Feds will allow you to go legit after you blatantly thumbed your nose at the law by having your “secret stash” aired on TV! Foolish man you shouldn’t be allowed to ever make hooch ever again! The Feds need to put lowjack inside your skin so you can be constantly monitored by anyone anywhere anytime! The fact you work as a volunteer Fire Chief is even MORE disgusting because you’re supposed to be a ROLE MODEL not a degenerate criminal! The shear fact that you’re on the “tour circuit” collecting money for the privilege of your appearance is beyond laughable as well as JANKY! You can still be arrested for your actions – the evidence is YOU admitting everything you do on the show! And to those misguided fools who praise your ways – they should be penalized for aiding and abetting.
This goes to justice prudence, your a dumbass. First of all if Tim really showed his moonshine hidin, or him makin moonshine, he would be in jail. As far as we know, that’s water in the bottles. The atf knocked on his door, didn’t arrest him cuz they have no hard evidence that he.made it..so as far as I’m concerned, them red necks are ten times smarter then you. Period.
And to add on, you say, you can still be arrested for the evidence you shown on the show, well maybe you should take a second.look at the law. Gotta have hard evidence to convict someone. He’s got none, just makin water. Your are a disgrace to America thinkin you know the laws when really, your far from it. You should be arrested for bein a dumbass and mad that someone got around the law and you didn’t. Why do you think the show is on its second season, because there is nothing illegal on what they show on the show. They move water as far as we know. Your a dip shit go to hell.
A American
@Justice Prudence
As far as I’m concerned the only law being broken is the government taking away our rights. I don’t even drink. But I love my country and freedoms. It comes down to one thing…..money. George Washington made it for the same reason Tim does. America is a shadow of what it was. Time we all stood up to these scumbag politicians and SHOWED them our rights.
God bless America!
Brad Krewson
Please keep me posted on info. about Tim Smith going legal etc…
gloria hollingsworth
i cant wait for the next season. i love to watch all the moonshiners its a teriffic show cant wait. keep up the great work guys love you all. tim tickle and jim tom.
gloria hollingsworth
cant wait for 2013 season i love moonshiners its a great show keep up the good work guys.
a scale from 1-10, you’re a 27. I used to live in SC part of the time and have brought plenty of the full mason jars back from NC via SC to Ky for friends here. I never worried about getting stopped and searched. Even going 85mph thru Atlanta, it never entered my mind. How many “boot leggers” drive red Jags? After all, if the government gets the majority of the money in their taxes and fees, it all the sudden becomes legal 24/7/365. The same with pot being legalized. The government just has to slide into the topic quietly, find a way to tax it while saving face. And regarding Justice Prude above. I spent years married to a Court of Appeals judge who came to enjoy the entire availability of alcohol and other substances. Sounds like Mr or Mrs Prude hasn’t gotten their last dose of nose candy. Now let’s talk about THAT….. Lawyers and judges should not be the one’s throwing stones at anyone. I traveled in that circle for too many years. Ky would be the best state to open your operation. I’ll volunteer to work for you for free. Looking at you would be pay enough. Have you ever been to Woodford Reserves? Neat place. Next time you are in the area, msg me and I’ll take you there. I’m planning on going to the Marion County, Ky ham festival. JUST to see you. You should bring Tickle with you. He at least can make everyone laugh. You, on the other hand, make ladies SMILE. Best of luck! And Tex, you’re correct in your above posts.
And MR?MRS Prude, you appear like not only an “imbecile” but a royal asshole too. Now call up your dealer and get happy. Tim is fine with anything he undertakes to do. You stand up for the “laws” and are pissed that he’s supposedly thumbing his nose at you…er, I meant the cops? I could write you several books on corruption at every level so think about THAT as a fellow American trys to share his skill the legal way and make a living for his family. My suggestion for the ATF in regard to the show would be to bring in someone that is much, much better to look at and has at least the personality of a dead snail. Same with the local yocal who most likely gets kick backs from all illegal activity in his county or really just doesn’t give a shit. My hope is that it is the latter. In America, as long as you’re doing something that isn’t illegal, the government entitys need to just pocket half that tax money generated legally for that oh so bad activity/alcohol produced and keep the other money they steal from the sale of illegal drug busts and payoffs, OH NO!Lord have mercy, I meant to call it what you call it, “supplemental income”. Tim and company have the morals that go so far over your angry little bittle head, you don’t understand. Tim, if you need any legal help in Ky, leave a msg on this board. Believe ME! A phone call or two is all it takes. )))HUGS(((