invites you to watch Moonshiners Season 2 Finale tonight, Jan. 30 at 10 pm EST / 9 pm CST on Discovery Channel AND also check out our collection interviews with Tim Smith of Moonshiners below.
Tim Smith will tell more about new specials and what he has in store in a live radio interview on Fox News National Radio tonight at 9:30 pm EST, be listening! We invite you subscribe to our free Bourbon Newsletter here and we’ll send you more details on Tim Smith’s upcoming ventures in moonshine.
So now, tell us what YOU most enjoyed about Moonshiners Season 2 on this link! was the first to tell you about the possiblity of a Moonshiners Season 2 back in Feb 15, 2012 in the video interview below.
Tonight’s episode is called “Last Shiner Standing” according to Discovery channel, by the end of this episode one shiner will get the biggest shock of his life!
In this season finale, one moonshiner will go down. Tickle devises a bold but risky plan to sell Tim’s shine. Then, Josh & Bill’s still site is compromised while Jeff, Mark & Jim Tom brazenly run three stills. Finally, Deputy Sheriff Chuck makes his move
Feb 15, 2012 Video Interview ‘s Tom Fischer interviews Moonshiner Tim Smith and JT
Click Play Above to Stream’s New Podast Radio Interview with Tim Smith from Jan. 7 2013
12/12/2011 – Click Below to Stream Our First Podcast Interview with Tim Smith
Advertisement for Tonight’s Final Episode of Moonshiners Season 2
Video interview filmed and edited by Oresti Tsonopoulos. Photo of Tom and Moonshiners above also by Oresti.
phil harrison
Have really enjoyed the moonshiners show. Brings back college memories from the early 60’s . Had a room mate that ran a real still with his brother. He went home every week-end with two suit cases. One filled with mason jars and one with laundry. I can relate to some of the show !!! Look forward to next season