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Budweiser Baby Clydesdale Super Bowl

Budweiser Baby Clydesdale that needs a name in the Super Bowl Commercial

The Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial above called “Brotherhood” asks viewers to submit names for the foal featured in the ad.

Tweet your names #Clydesdales to @Budweiser to and it will be announced to news following the conclusion of the game

At, we want to know what YOUR suggestions are? Tell us on this link.

This foal born on January 16, 2012 and  ad chronicles the bond a Clydesdale foal shares with his trainer.

Budweiser says more than 30 baby Clydesdales are expected to be born this year at the 300-acre Warm Springs Ranch.


The Budweiser Clydesdales Commercial Super Bowl. the foal has grown up and reconnects with his trainer

The Budweiser Clydesdales Commercial Super Bowl. the foal has grown up and reconnects with his trainer

Warm Springs Ranch, Home of the Budweiser Clydesdales in Boonville, Missouri

Warm Springs Ranch, Home of the Budweiser Clydesdales in Boonville, Missouri

Clydesdale Foal featured in the 2013 Super Bowl Budweiser Beer Commercial

Clydesdale Foal featured in the 2013 Super Bowl Budweiser Beer Commercial


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